
If you’ve read the “About” page, you know I started this blog in search of good news after the Boston Marathon bombings last week.  Many have sent me stories about the amazing personal triumphs and kindnesses that came after the bombings — definitely a lot of “More Good” news in the aftermath of something terrible.  While it is difficult to understand why the Tsaernev brothers took the actions they did  — it is not difficult to understand the power of human connection and love that inspired so many to help victims, stranded runners, healthcare providers and more.  Compassion, kindness and empathy prevailed.  So, in the spirit of #Boston Strong, a roundup of some of the best stories sent my way:

The One Fund has raised nearly $21 million in the last week to help those most affected by the tragedy.  Healing prevails.

From Katheryn in Charlotte – I adore this video shared by a friend of hers who ran the marathon and says it reminds her of all she loves about Boston.   Hope prevails.

Halley of Charleston shared stories about the therapy dogs who came to visit and help last week, as well as this lovely story about newlyweds who were both victims of the bombing and the incredible outpouring of support they received.  Helpers prevail.

blog bauman

Jeff Bauman, Jr., delivering a birthday gift.

Jeff Bauman is one of the most unforgettable victims and heroes of last week’s events.  After sustaining life-changing injuries, he helped identify the bombers from his hospital bed by writing a note that said, “bag, saw the guy, looked right at me”.  This photo of him visiting  another victim to give her an 18th birthday present is amazing (shared by Boston Barstool Sports on Facebook).  Resilience prevails.

And last –  but far from least – is a video created by Michael Casey (shared on Facebook by my friend, M.A.).  He ventured into Boston early Sunday morning to photograph and reflect.  His images and words are profound — and made all the moreso because he lost a loved one during 9/11.  As M.A. wrote on Facebook, “From a guy who could have crumbled in the aftermath of terror on 9/11, but instead chose life. Michael Casey you are an inspiration to us all.”  Strength prevails.

Compassion, kindness, empathy, healing, hope, helpers, resilience and strength — now, that’s some “More Good”.

Kindness counts: warm heart, warm coat

From my friend, Kate, of Boston:

While watching my son’s soccer game yesterday, a mum told me of her experience running the marathon.  Getting close to the finish line they were stopped in their tracks and told they could go no further because something was happening at the finish line.  Cold, exhausted, confused and alarmed they walked away form the marathon course not really sure what to do.  Realizing that they needed to get warm quickly (it was cold and breezy in Boston) they looked for a clothing store where they could buy something, anything, to keep warm.  A total stranger came up to her and asked her if she needed a jacket.  She said yes and he handed her a jacket he had just purchased, tags still intact, for the sole purpose of giving away to a runner in need.  Now that’s kindness.

One bad apple does not the crop spoil.